What is freelancer | How to earn money as a freelancer | best Online earing way . (30,000 to 40,000 Monthly Income )

You must have heard these words freelancing or freelancer. Maybe you know what freelancing is because today 60% of the people in the world are freelancers and do freelancing work from home and earn 30-40 thousand rupees per month. There is no need for any class or any degree or any course to do this work. If you know how to read and write, then you can do this work.

Today in this blog I will tell you What is freelancing work? which people can do this work, how to start work, time to do this work, where do clients get and what work you can do in freelancing.

1. First of all, we will know what is freelancing?

The people who do this freelancing work are called freelancers. in simple words, those who take online work from clients and complete that work and give them online are called freelancers. What is that work? I will tell you further that from which you can work in freelancing. 

2. Which people can do this work and what can?

If you are thinking that I am not very educated, I don't have any degree, I don't have any certificate, I don't know how to operate a computer much, then don't panic because in doing this work you need no degree certificate, You don't even have to know English, you can do this work in your own language.
You can do this work sitting at home, in your time, according to you or as per your wish. Just a little computer knowledge is enough and your skill. You can do this work with the talent that you have in you.

3. How to start work

I know you are very excited to know how to start work.
Friends, first you will have to tell the people that you are doing freelancing work, then only you will get work, right? So how will you tell? Through social media. You have to join the freelancing group on Facebook and every day many freelancing works come on it. So as soon as you see a post regarding work then you have to message them(the person who put the work) that you can do that work and when the price of your work has settled and the client has given you the work, then you can complete it and give it to that client and whatever amount has to fix You can get it online. 
In the same way, there are such websites as fivver.com freelancer.com Linkedin, people per hour, etc. Here big companies search for freelancers to do their work. You have to make a good profile on these sides so that the client gets attracted by your work or your profile. 
You can also make a poster or flyer and send it to the people so that people can contact you once they get to know that you are a freelancer. 

4. Time to do this work 

As I have already told you that you can do this work sitting at home, in your own time, according to your own wish. You can take leave whenever you want and work whenever you want. Even after finishing office work, part-time, full-time, you can do freelancing work by Adjusting time in any way.
All you need is your mobile phone or computer or laptop to do this work. You can also do this work from your smartphone.

5Where will you get the work and who will give the work? 

You will get work from clients. clients mean the work that will give to you, from where will you get those clients?
First of all, you will get your Clients, from your social media, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin.
After that the poster you make and share it, then you will get clients and work. 
If your work is liked by any clinic, then they will give you work every week or every month. 
If the people in your circle want to get any work done, they will contact you.
You can also get a lot of work from all these websites. (fivver.com freelancer.com Linkedin, people per hour, etc.)

6. what work you can do in freelancing

Now I will tell you what you have to do
You can do this work with the skills and talents you have. 
1. This means if you like to write or you are an expert in writing, then you can become a content writer, blog writer, news writer, book writer, e-book writer, copywriter, writing translator. 
2. If you are a Graphic Designer or you like to edit photos and you can become a Graphic Designer by editing your photo where you can create flyers, Posters, Birthday Cards, Wedding Cards, Invention cards, banners, Social Media posts. 
3. If you know how to edit videos, then you can do a presentation, project design, marriage invitation video, audio editor, and audio translate.
4. If you have a mobile or computer then you can do more work as a translator, resume and cover later writing, data entry, presentation, create a document, resume work, typing work, MS-WORD work, making school and college assignments, Filling Online Form, and many other things you can do on the computer or on your mobile.
5. If you are interested and have knowledge about the market so you can work as a market researcher, and market analysis for any product.

For all this work you can charge according to your work. you can charge more than 1000 per video editing and many more. 

But in all the work you have to work hard and have some patience then only you can earn 4000+ month

If you want to ask anything or want to know something, then you can comment below.
You can also contact me directly . To Contact Click Here 

Website - Petrasht.in/

Watch motivational Hindi Video - जिंदगी में Problms क्यों आती है ? Problms से कैसे बहार आये ? 


Freelancing , Freelancer  ये शब्द आपने सुने होंगे। शायद आपको पता हो कि freelancing क्या है क्योंकि आज दुनिया में 60% लोग Freelancer हैं और Freelancing  वर्क फ्रॉम होम करते हैं और 30-40 हजार रुपये प्रति महीना कमाते हैं। इस काम को करने के लिए किसी क्लास या किसी डिग्री या किसी कोर्स की जरूरत नहीं है। अगर आप पढ़ना-लिखना जानते हैं तो आप यह काम कर सकते हैं।
आज इस Blog में मैं आपको बताऊंगा कि Freelancing काम क्या है? कौन से लोग यह काम कर सकते हैं, काम कैसे शुरू करें, इस काम को करने का समय, क्लाइंट कहां मिलते हैं और Freelancing में आप कौन सा काम कर सकते हैं।

1. सबसे पहले हम जानेंगे कि Freelancing क्या है?

जो लोग freelancing का काम करते है उन्हें freelancers कहा जाता है. आसान शब्दों में कहें तो जो clients से online काम लेते हैं और उस काम को पूरा करके online ही देते हैं, उन्हें freelancers कहा जाता है. वह काम कौन सा भी होता है ? मैं आपको आगे बताऊंगा कि freelancing में आप कोन से काम कर सकते है।


2. यह काम कौन से लोग कर सकते हैं और क्या कर सकता है? 

अगर आप सोच रहे है की में ज्यादा पढ़ा लिखा नहीं हु , मेरे पास कोई degree नहीं है , कोई certificate नहीं है , मुझे ज्यादा computer चलाना नहीं आता तो घबराइए मत क्युकी इस काम को करने में आपको कोई degree, certificate ,ज्यादा पढ़ाई लिखाई की जरुरत नहीं है , आपको Englsih जानने की भी जरूरत नहीं है, आप यह काम अपनी भाषा में कर सकते हैं।  
ये काम आप घर बैठे ,आपने टाइम में , आपने हिसाब से ,आपने मर्जी से कर सकते है। सिर्फ थोड़ा कंप्यूटर का नॉलेज काफी है और आपकी skill. आप में जो talent है आप में जो skill है उससे आप ये काम कर सकते है. 

3. काम कैसे शुरू करें

मुझे पता है आप बहोत excited  होंगे ये जानने के लिए की या काम start कैसे करे। 
दोस्तों आपको पाहिले लोगो को बता न होगा की आप freelancing काम करते है तभी तो आपको काम मिलेगा , बरोबर ना ? तो आप कैसे बताएँगे, सोशल मीडिया के जरिये .आपको फेसबुक पर freelancing Group Join करना है ,उस पे हर रोज़ बहोत से freelancing के काम आते है। तो जैसे ही कोई काम आये और वो काम आप कर सकते है तो की आपको उन्हें (काम डालने वाले को )  Message करना है की ये काम आप कर सकते और जब आपकी काम की Price Fix हो गयी और client ने आपको काम दिया तो आप उसे पूरा करके उस client को दे सकते है और जो भी Amount आपने बताई है वो आप ऑनलाइन ले सकते है।  
उसी तरह से ऐसे कही सारी websites है जैसे fivver.com freelancer.com  linkiden, people per hour , यहाँ बड़ी बड़ी companies freelancer को  ढूंढती है उनके काम करने के लिए।  आपको इस websites पर आपकी अच्छी profile बनानी है की जिससे client आपके काम से या आपको profile से attract हो जाये।  
आप आपने एक Poster या Flyer भी बना सकते है और लोगो को send कर सकते है की वो पढ़ के लोग आपको Contact करे।  


6. freelancing में आप क्या काम कर सकते हैं?

अब में आपको बताऊंगा की आपको काम क्या करना है 
आप में जो skills और talents है, उससे आप यह काम कर सकते हैं।

 1.मतलब अगर आपको लिखना पसंद है या लिखने में आप expert हो तो आप content writer, blog writer, news writer, book writer, e-book writer, copywriter, writing translator.  बना सकते हो।

2. अगर आप एक Graphic Designer  हो या आपको photo editing करना
अच्छा  है और आप अच्छा फोटो एडिट करते   Graphic Designer बन सकते हो जहा आप Flyer, Poster, Birthday Card, Wedding Card, Invention Card, Banner, Social Media Post बना सकते हो . 

3. अगर आपको Video Edit करना आता है तो आप presentation, project designer, marriage invitation video, audio editor, audio translate. ये काम कर सकते है। 

4.अगर आपके पास mobile है या computer है तो आप उससे भी बहोत काम कर सकते है जैसे translator, resume and cover later writer, data entry, presentation, create a document, resume work, typing work, MS-WORD work, making school and college assignment , Filling Online Form और भी बहोत सरे काम आप computer पे या आपने mobile पे कर सकते हो

5. If you are interested and have knowledge about the market so you can work as a market researcher, market analysis for any product.

लेकिन सब काम में आपको मेहनत करनी होगी और थोड़ा सब्र रखना होगा तभी आप ४०००+ महीना कमा सकते हो 

If you want to ask anything or want to know something, then you can comment below.
You can also contact me directly. To Contact Click Here 

Watch motivational Hindi Video - जिंदगी में Problems क्यों आती है ? Problms से कैसे बहार आये ?  

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