Self Respect | How To Earn Self Respect Motivational speech in hindi |YOUR SELF RESPECT HAS TO BE STRONGER |


If I ask you do you have self-respect? So would you say that he has gone mad? I have great self-esteem, but don't you ever think that sometimes we underestimate our self-esteem? have you ever felt it.

Explain to the People but Never Convenience People.

If something has happened in life, there has been a misunderstanding or someone has misunderstood you, then explain to that person, but if you are right, do not persuade that person to understand and believe your words, because if The heart of the person in front is your respect in my mind or if you mean something to the person in front, then he would have listened to you and left the matter. But if you are constantly convincing a person that he should understand you, then you completely lower your self-esteem.
And Always Remember Never Down Your Self Respect.
Once lost money can come, the lost job can be found, but once your self-respect is lost in front of someone, you cannot get it back.
When a Person walks away from your Life, Let Them walk away. You don't need to convince them, you need to Beg in front of them to stay in your life . Today in the world 80% of relationships break because of this misunderstanding. Breakups happen because of misunderstanding, divorce happens because of misunderstanding, cracks come in the family, relationships break down, and friendship is broken. Because of a misunderstanding, And when does misunderstanding happen when the person in front of you does not accept your words or he finds your words to be a lie? When there is a misunderstanding between your loved ones and you are explaining it or convincing it and still the person in front is not agreeing, then friends, understand what is your value in his mind. Friends, our Self Respect is very important.
At last, I just wanna tell you that Explain to People but Don't Convince Them.

अगर में आपसे पुछु की क्या आपको self respect हैं ? तो आप कहेंगे की ये पागल हो गया है क्या ? मुझे मेरी Self Respect बहोत है , लेकिन क्या आपको कभी ये नही लगता की कभी कभी हम अपनी self respect ये पूरा डाउन करते है ? कभी आपको फील हुआ है ? 

Explain to the People but Never Convenience People . Life में अगर कुछ हुआ कुछ misunderstanding  हुई या किसी ने आपको गलत समझा तो उस person को explain करो but अगर आप Correct हो और तो उस person को convence मत करना की आपकी बातो को समझे और उसपर यकीन करे , क्युकी अगर सामने वाले person के दिल में आपके लिए Respect हो या आप सामने वाले person के लिए कुछ मायने रहते हो या सामने वाला person आपकी सच्ची Respect करता हो तो वो आपकी बातो मान लेता और बात छोड़ देता लेकिन अगर बार बार किसी व्यक्ति को convence कर रहे है की वो आपके बात को समझे तो आप आपने self Respect पूरी तरीके से डाउन करते है । 

And Always Remember Never Down Your Self Respect. 

एक बार खोया हुआ पैसा आ सकता है , गई हुई job मिल सकती है पर एक बार आपकी self Respect किसी के सामने गई तो वो वापिस आप हासिल नहीं कर सकते है ।

When Person walks away from your Life , Let Them walk away. You don't need to Convince them , you need to Beg in front of them to stay in your life . आज दुनिया में ८० रिश्ते ये misunderstanding के वजह से टूट जाते है । Misunderstand के वजह से break up होते है , Misunderstanding के वजह से divorce होते है , Family में दरारें आ जाती है , रिश्ते नाते टूट जाते है , friendship टूट जाति है । एक Misunderstanding के वजह से , और misunderstanding कब होती है जब आप आपके बातो को सामने वाला मानता नहीं या फिर आपकी कही हुई बात उसको झूठ लगती है । जब आपके अपनो में misunderstnding हो और आप उसे explain कर रहे हो या उसको convence कर रहे हो और फिर भी सामने वाला नही मान रहा तो दोस्तो समझ लेना की आपकी value क्या है उसके मन में ।  दोस्तो अपनी Self Respect ये बहोत important है । 

अंत में, मैं आपको बस इतना बताना चाहता हूं कि ‘ Explain People Don't Convense Them.

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